
商品情報 Product Information

Papua New Guinea Highland Sweet (1014)

中煎り Medium Roast

内容量:250g (GreenBean)

You may see the light. Citrus, plums, and cherries.

High-quality coffee beans are supplied from seven production villages by cultivating coffee in harmony with nature on a plateau with shade trees. A manager who has been teaching coffee cultivation and selection for many years in charge of the quality control.

A shade tree forest spread over the plateau of volcanic ash soil rich in minerals. The shade tree forest protects the coffee trees from the sharp tropical sun, and the rich mulch leaves are ideal for organic farming without fertilizers or pesticides.

Only the good lot is selected every year without specifying specific farms and provide them as [Highland Sweet]. The crop is from [Kigaber Farm] this time. The screen size is 17up.

柑橘系の香りとほのかにグラッシー感があります。 アフターはすっきりしていますが、甘味は優しく口の中に広がる。控えめで上品なコーヒーです。
It has a citrus scent and a faint grassy feeling. Aftertaste is refreshing, but the sweetness spreads gently. Modest and elegant coffee.  

For roasting reference

ー浅煎りー 柑橘系の香りと、カシス、プラムやさくらんぼ、紅茶を思わせる華やかな香りが広がる。透明感があり、しっかり広がる。 クリーンで、香りも酸味も強すぎず、控えめで上品なコーヒー。アフターは甘いです。
-Short roast- It has citrusy and gorgeous aroma reminiscent of cassis, plums, cherries, and black tea. Clear and spreads well. Clean, unobtrusive, and elegant coffee with neither too strong aroma nor too much sourness. Sweet aftertaste.

ー中煎りー ※はかた珈琲おすすめ! 柑橘系の香りとカシスのような香り。 アフターはすっきりしているが、甘味は優しく口の中に広がる。酸味はきれい。控えめで上品なコーヒー。
-Medium roast- * Recommended by Hakata Coffee! Citrus and cassis-like scent. Aftertaste is refreshing, but the sweetness spreads gently. The sourness is beautiful. Modest and elegant coffee.

ー中深煎りー 柑橘系の香りとカシスな香り。 香り、酸味、甘味、少しの苦味のバランスがいい。
-Medium deep roast- Citrus and cassis-like scent. Good balance of aroma, sourness, sweetness and a little bitterness.

ー深煎りー 苦味が出てくるが、酸味もあり、 苦味、風味、酸味、甘味のバランスがよい。
-Deep roast- Bitterness comes out, but there is also sourness. Good balance of bitterness, flavor, sourness, and sweetness.  

Detailed information

農園:Kigabah Estate

Origin: Near Banz, Ziwaka Farm: Kigabah Estate
Altitude: 1,520m
Product standard: AX (S15)
Crop: 2019/20
Variety: Tipica, Arusha, slightly bourbon
SCAA rating: 83 points